(Pictured, ‘Fiona’ in the cave she has sheltered in for the last two years - Animal Rising)
Since Monday, supporters of Animal Rising have been in the Highlands of Scotland preparing to rescue ‘Britain’s Loneliest Sheep’. The individuals involved found a way to reach the sheep now known as Fiona. They spent the past five days in a row getting closer to Fiona ahead of a rescue planned for this Sunday, 5th November, intending to take her to Tribe Animal Sanctuary near Glasgow.
The rescue was arranged in collaboration with an adjacent landowner with connections to the Royal Family, whose name we agreed not to release.
This morning, the landowner facilitated a separate, covert operation to take Fiona to live at a well-known, but currently unnamed, Scottish petting zoo [1]. The Scottish SPCA were in attendance and have not objected to this plan despite admitting previously that Fiona will be ‘fearful’ of people and find interactions ‘distressing’ after two years alone [2].
Local Animal Rising supporter, Jamie Moyes, said:
“We are of course pleased Fiona is no longer stranded, but it is completely unacceptable that she would be taken to a ‘petting zoo’ when she has already suffered for the last two years. We reached an agreement with the landowner for her to be rescued and taken to a safe and peaceful sanctuary, but he went behind our back to make a spectacle of her instead.
Petting zoos can be stressful for any animal, but especially for one that has lived alone for the last two years and will likely now be mobbed by daily visitors owing to her celebrity status. The right thing to do would be to allow her to live out the rest of her life safely at Tribe Animal Sanctuary, who already agreed to home her.”
Word count: 283
High-Quality Pictures and Videos: https://show.pics.io/animal-rising-breaking-news/
All images and videos in this file, on our social media, and website can be used with credit to Animal Rising under ‘fair use’ for the purposes of reporting.
For more information or further comments, please contact:
Robert (Press Back Office): +44 1225 29 6691
Notes to Editor: