A video depicting animal suffering at RSPCA Assured farms and slaughterhouses was projected across six London landmarks including the Shard and St Paul’s Cathedral last night.

The video follows a report into four RSPCA slaughterhouses released by Animal Rising last week, and requests that the public join the call for the RSPCA to drop its Assured scheme. The RSPCA has suspended three of the slaughterhouses but stands by its scheme. [1]
Undercover footage from over 40 RSPCA Assured farms and slaughterhouses this year has revealed widespread neglect, cruelty and suffering. [2]
The projections were cast over structures at: Canary Wharf, Shoreditch Station, St Paul’s Cathedral, the Shard, the London Eye and the National Theatre from 7pm onwards last night (17/12/24).
Animal Rising has stepped up its campaign urging the RSPCA to drop its controversial farm Assured scheme, with a series of largescale projections across London institutions illuminating the cruelty found on Assured premises. The video, aiming to raise awareness of endemic problems within the scheme, calls for members of the public to sign a petition calling for an end to RSPCA Assured. [3]

Rose Patterson, lead investigator for Animal Rising, said:
“It’s time the RSPCA took its responsibilities to farmed animals as seriously as it does to cats and dogs. It makes no sense for the RSPCA to continue pushing this failing scheme, and endorsing the suffering of countless animals on farms across the UK. As a respected charity, the RSPCA’s obligations to animals should take precedence over their allegiance to animal agriculture.”
Following Animal Rising’s initial investigation, a coalition of 60 animal protection groups signed an open letter asking the RSPCA to drop the Assured scheme, and RSPCA Vice President Brian May stepped down in protest of the scheme [4] [5]. However, the RSPCA has stood by its Assured scheme.
Spokespeople for Animal Rising are available for further comment. Call our press office +44 1225 296691 or email press@animalrising.org
Animal Rising is a social movement campaigning for a safe ecological future. The group primarily calls for the transition to a secure and sustainable plant-based food system, alongside a mass rewilding programme.
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High-Quality Pictures and Videos: Animal Rising RSPCA Scandal
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Notes to Editor
[2] Reports and footage: https://www.animalrising.org/rpscaassured
[4] Read the open letter in full: https://www.forcharlie.love/